Kindness Week
Welby Way Kindness Week
Welby Way Kindness Week is about spreading the message of positivity and kindness, the theme for this year’s annual Kindness Week will be “Make Kindness Your Super Power” and will take place the week of February 12th.
Here are a few fun things we have planned for the week:
Kindness Grams: Here is your chance to tell a friend or staff member what makes them a Superhero to you. Share an adjective that describes them or write them a kind message. Grams can be purchased online at starting Friday 2/2 to Wednesday 2/7 (blank grams will be delivered to your child’s classroom, please fill them out at home & return to school). Grams will also be sold in front of school on Thursday 2/8 & Friday 2/9 (cash, check or venmo/zelle accepted). ALL GRAMS MUST BE TURNED IN BY MONDAY 2/12! POWW WILL INCLUDE A SPECIAL KINDNESS WEEK PENCIL AND GRAMS WILL BE DELIVERED ON VALENTINES DAY.
Used Book Drive: February 5-13 – Bring in your gently used children’s books (for ages 4-13) into the bin in the library or office to help us build a library for the Boys and Girls Club.
Coffee Sleeve Decorating: We will be partnering with Tang & Java and will be having our students decorate coffee sleeves with positive words and affirmations during lunchtime. These sleeves will be given to customers at the store, which we hope will put smiles on their faces and brighten their day. Tang & Java will also be donating a portion of sales this week to our school! So make sure you stop and visit during Kindness Week!! (Tang & Java – 22776 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills)
Superhero Mask Decorating: Keeping in the spirit of our theme, “Make Kindness Your Super Power” students will be decorating superhero masks during lunch time and we encourage you to take a photo in front of the banner in front of school! Don’t forget to tag @parentsofwelbyway!
Kindness Week Assembly: We will be having a special Kindness Quest Laser Assembly which is about promoting caring and kindness on Tuesday, February 13. Our students will participate in a forty-minute interactive laser adventure that explores community and friendship. Focusing on character education and foundational qualities, our presentation combines tunes with teamwork to emphasize awareness, empathy, and compassion.
Superhero Day: Students can show how they are a Superhero by wearing school appropriate super hero accessories to school – a cap, clothing, a mask or the mask they made as long as it doesn’t dover their entire face.