Fitness Week

Welby Way Fitness Week

Each year Welby Way has our amazing Fitness Week. This is an opportunity for the kids to engage in fun physical activities to promote health and fitness. This week is filled with a variety of activities during recess and lunch like Martial Arts, Basketball, Bollywood, CrossFit and much more!  In addition to the events during school hours, we have added some new afterschool activities.  Students participating in Recess and Lunchtime activities will earn points for their class and winning classes will be recognized at the Awards Assembly at the end of the week. In addition to joining in on our activities at school throughout the week, we are promoting healthy eating at home too! Keep an eye out for our healthy eating chart and keep track of all of the fruits, vegetables and healthy food choices you are making and earn additional points. We are also kicking off Fitness Week with our Wellness Weekend so make sure you sign and return “Screen-Free Weekend Pledge” to your teacher by Monday to earn even more points for your class.   

FRIDAY SPIRIT WALK – This year’s much anticipated Spirit Walk will feature a new award “The Spirit Award”!  Which will be awarded at Friday’s Assembly to the one class with the most spirit (think wigs, glasses, hats, etc. in their class color or fun props that correlate to their class name/theme).

Please see more information below:



Schedule of Events


Thank you to our Amazing 2024 Fitness Week Sponsors!!

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